Magnet Network Features

Deploy your contract on the Magnet Network, the first DOT-AS-GAS chain of Polkadot, with support for EVM, WASM, and MoveVM.

Key Features


Utilizes DOT for all transactions and operations, eliminating the need for token conversion and enhancing the direct use of DOT within the ecosystem.

Coretime Ready

Magnet Network is built to support Polkadot's Agile Coretime from the beginning, allowing for flexible blockspace and coretime allocation based on actual usage, optimizing resource management and reducing costs.

On-demand Block Production and Coretime Ordering

Magnet's On-Demand Block Production is a system where blocks are produced only when needed, optimizing efficiency and resource usage. Coretime Ordering is controlled by two key parameters: Price Limit and Price Threshold. The Price Limit sets the maximum allowable price for placing orders, while the Price Threshold defines the price point at which certain actions are triggered, such as halting or allowing order placement. These parameters ensure that block production remains cost-effective and responsive to network demand, enabling a flexible and efficient blockchain environment.

EVM, WASM and MoveVMSupport

Supports both EVM, WASM and MoveVM environments, facilitating interaction with various smart contract platforms and enhancing developer flexibility.

Strategic Profit Mechanism

Collects gas fees, strategically leveraging price differences to generate continuous profits, which are distributed to Polkadot Treasury, System Reserves, Collator Incentives, and Project Maintenance.

Advanced Pallet System

Includes specialized pallets like the Blockspace Ordering Pallet, Profit Operator Pallet, and Blockspace/Coretime Assurance Pallet, each designed to ensure efficient transaction processing, profit calculation, and system stability.

On-demand Coretime Ordering

Dynamically produces blocks based on transaction demand. When demand is low, block production pauses to save resources. When transactions occur, Magnet orders coretime and produces blocks as needed, optimizing resource usage and ensuring efficient operation.

XCM and Asset Bridge

Facilitates seamless asset transfers and cross-chain communication within the Polkadot ecosystem using XCM (Cross-Consensus Messaging). The asset bridge allows for efficient transfer of DOT and other tokens between Substrate and EVM accounts, ensuring smooth deployment and interaction of smart contracts across different environments.

For more about Magnet Network:

Magnet CoretimeWorkflows of Magnet NetworkProfit Calcuation and DistributionCoretime Order Control and Assurance

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