Magnet Stack Features

Generate Coretime-ready node codes with custom pallets and functions using Magnet Stack.

Key Features

User-Friendly Interface

Magnet Stack enhances the user experience with a user-friendly interface, making blockchain development for core-time ready parachains more accessible and efficient for developers of all skill levels.

Coretime Functionalities

Magnet Stack supports two types of Coretime functionalities, on-demand and Bulk, optimizing resource management and providing flexibility in blockchain architecture. On-demand coretime mode also supports on-demand block production and assurance mechanisms to further increase resource efficiency and stability.

Multi-VM Support

Magnet Stack leverages Substrate's robust framework to support multiple virtual machines, including EVM, WASM and MoveVM, enabling developers to run and interact with various smart contract environments.

Magnet Template Layer

The platform provides customizable templates for various functionalities, allowing users to tailor their blockchain network to meet specific needs. This layer includes pre-built modules that can be easily integrated into your project, saving development time and effort.

Appchain Model

The Appchain Model offers flexibility with support for multiple models, including parathread and Tanssi-container chains. This allows developers to choose the best architecture for their specific use case.

Dynamic Generator

The Dynamic Generator facilitates the one-click generation of Substrate code for customized features, simplifying the node deployment process. This feature enables developers to quickly create and deploy nodes with the required specifications.

Learn More

Magnet Stack Coretime Modules

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Develop Coretime-Ready chain with Magnet Stack

Last updated