Using Magnet Stack : Coretime Configuration

Step 1: Coretime and basic information configuration

Open the Magnet Stack app and select your desired coretime type using the button at the top.

Magnet's on-demand coretime mode includes on-demand block production. If no transactions occur, block production will be halted.

Basic Information:

- Input the name of your chain and the ParaID you reserved.

Native Token:

- Define your native token or use DOT as the native token for your chain.

- If using DOT, select "DOT as GAS."

- Set your token's decimal places.

Coretime Order Control:

Config these parameters to utilize Magnet Network’s order control mechanism for on-demand orders.

- Price Limit: Sets an upper limit for coretime price. Orders will not be placed if exceeded.

- Price Threshold: Controls profitability from gas collection.

Price Threshold=Gas Fee CollectedCoretime Price\text{Price Threshold} = \frac{\text{Gas Fee Collected}}{\text{Coretime Price}}

Price Threshold is available only when using DOT as GAS because coretime cost and revenue are measured in different tokens if using a native token.

For more information about Magnet's coretime mechanism, please refer to these sections:

Magnet CoretimeCoretime Order Control and Assurance

Sudo Account:

- Input your sudo account address, which will also be used in profit distribution management.

- Set the initial balance for the sudo account (if not using DOT as GAS).

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